Kits & Nuts & Bolts

Maint-Kit Rage Maintenance Kit

Pitman Arm Drilled Bolt Kit

At Rage we try to make ordering some parts easier by putting them into kits. If you don’t see a kit for something you were looking to order. Please call us at 330-723-1412 or email and we can put a special kit together for you. We most likely will also add to the site for other customers to order.

SWK Rage Spindle Washer Kit
Does one side 15 Thick and 3 Thin Washers

SSK Rage Spindle Spacer Kit
12 Spacers for Moving Hub In and Out
Does One Side

KBK Rage 7/16 King Pin Bolt Kit
2 Bolts 2 Nuts and 2 Clips
2 Bolts 2 Nuts and 2 Clips

NBBK Nerf Bar Button Kit
One Kit of 8 Does Both Nerf Bars

FH-7/16 Rage 7/16 Top Camber Heim
1 Heim 2 Nuts and 2 Clips

BK-1 Rage Bumper Kit
2 Heims 2 Bolts 2 Nuts 2 Washers
Kit does 1 bumper
2 Heims 2 Bolts 2 Nuts 2 Washers
Kit does 1 bumper

SN-1 Rage Spindle Nut Kit
2 Silver Spindle Nuts and 2 Clips

PULLER-1 Rage Throttle Puller Kit
1 Throttle Cable 1 Puller 1 Spring with Washer/Nut

ASK-1 Rage 1-1/4 Rear Axle Spacer Kit
10 Spacers and 1 Short Keyway

HOOK-1 Rage Custom Hook
1 Belt or Helmet Hook